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A method for processing big datasets of the kinetic curves of fluorescence decay using data mining algorithms is proposed to determine the parameters of biophysical and optical processes that occur in molecular systems. The idea of the developed method is in partitioning the initial fluorescence dataset into clusters according to the degree of likeness to some measure of similarity, finding cluster medoids, using a data reduction method and visualizing experimental data in twoor three-dimensional space, analyzing the fluorescence curves of the medoids by analytical or simulation models. The applicability of the method is considered by the example of the analysis of datasets representing systems of fluorophores. The developed method uses substantially less time and computation of the analytical approximation function, though the accuracy of the estimated parameters is higher than in the classical approach.

About the Authors

M. M. Yatskou
Belarusian State University
Minsk, 220030

V. V. Skakun
Belarusian State University
Minsk, 220030

V. V. Apanasovich
Institute of Information Technology and Business Administration
Minsk, 220004


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For citations:

Yatskou M.M., Skakun V.V., Apanasovich V.V. METHOD FOR PROCESSING THE KINETIC CURVES OF FLUORESCENCE DECAY USING DATA MINING ALGORITHMS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(2):322-333. (In Russ.)

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