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The molecular structure and spectral-luminescent properties of free bases of 2,3,7,13,17,18- hexamethyl-8,12-di-n-butylcorrole and 7,13-dimethyl-8,12-di-n-butylcorrole in solutions in the temperature range of 288—328 K were studied by methods of luminescent and absorption spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. Absorption and fluorescence spectra of studied compounds were shown to be the superimposed spectra of two NH-tautomers. Individual tautomer spectra were identified and bands were assigned to specific transitions. NH-tautomer equilibriums in the ground S0 and lower excited S1 singlet states were characterized.

About the Authors

Y. H. Ajeeb
Art, Sciences & Technology University in Lebanon; Belarusian State Technological University
PO Box 14-695, Beirut

D. V. Klenitsky
Belarusian State Technological University
Minsk, 220006

I. V. Vershilovskaya
Belarusian State Technological University
Minsk, 220006

D. V. Petrova
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
Russian Federation
Ivanovo, 153000

A. S. Semeikin
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
Russian Federation
Ivanovo, 153000

W. Maes
Institute for Materials Research (IMO-IMOMEC), Hasselt University
B-3590, Diepenbeek

L. L. Gladkov
Belarusian State Academy of Communications
Minsk, 220114

M. M. Kruk
Belarusian State Technological University
Minsk, 220006


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For citations:

Ajeeb Y.H., Klenitsky D.V., Vershilovskaya I.V., Petrova D.V., Semeikin A.S., Maes W., Gladkov L., Kruk M.M. SPECTRAL-LUMINESCENT PROPERTIES AND NH-TAUTOMERISM OF FREE BASES OF THE CORROLE ALKYLATED DERIVATIVES. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(3):378-386. (In Russ.)

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