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Reflection and transmission measurements of thin (40 µm) polyamide films implanted with Co+ ions at ion current density of 4µA/cm2 and fluence range of 2.5 × 1016—1.5 × 1017 cm–2 have been performed in the wave length range of λ = 200—1100 nm. Implantation leads to a significant (up to 80%) decrease in the transmission of the implanted films and an increase in the reflection of both the implanted and nonimplanted sides due to carbonization of the surface layer and the formation of cobalt inclusions in it. Within the framework of two- and three-layer models, which include one or two modified layers and an undamaged part of the film, the transmission of light when incident on the implanted and non-implanted sides was simulated and fluence dependence of the effective refractive index of the modified layer was determined. The effective refractive index was within 1.3—2.1 in the studied fluence range.

About the Authors

V. V. Bazarov
Belarusian State University
Russian Federation
Minsk, 220030

Yu. A. Bumai
Belarusian National Technical University
Minsk, 220013

V. F. Valeev
Kazan Physical-Technical Institute
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420029

V. I. Golovchuk
Belarusian State University
Minsk, 220030

M. G. Lukashevich
Belarusian State University
Minsk, 220030

V. I. Nuzhdin
Kazan Physical-Technical Institute
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420029

V. B. Odzhaev
Belarusian State University
Minsk, 220030

A. A. Kharchenko
Belarusian State University
Minsk, 220030

R. I. Khaibullin
Kazan Physical-Technical Institute
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420029


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For citations:

Bazarov V.V., Bumai Yu.A., Valeev V.F., Golovchuk V.I., Lukashevich M.G., Nuzhdin V.I., Odzhaev V.B., Kharchenko A.A., Khaibullin R.I. POLYАMIDE FILMS OPTICAL PROPERTIES MODIFICATION BY COBALT IONS IMPLANTATION. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(3):448-453. (In Russ.)

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