The possibility to obtain the frequency of a pure-electronic transition from the spectra of circular dichroism, circularly polarized fluorescence, magnetically induced chirooptical spectra, as well as the spectra of the dissymmetry factors of dichroism is shown. Examples are presented of such determination from the experimentally measured spectra of molecular optical rotation in absorption and emission. It is shown that the frequency of a pure-electronic transition in the dissymmetry factor spectra can be indicated by their extremum. As in diffuse linear vibronic spectra, the pure-electronic transition frequencies do not correspond to the maxima of the spectra.
About the Author
V. A. TolkachevBelarus
Minsk, 220072
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For citations:
Tolkachev V.A. DETERMINING THE FREQUENCY OF A PURE-ELECTRONIC TRANSITION FROM OPTICAL ACTIVITY SPECTRA. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(3):499-504. (In Russ.)