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Photoluminescence spectra of Mn2+ ions in ZnS single crystals were obtained in the temperature range 77-623 K at different activator concentrations and wavelengths of the exciting radiation. The spectra were decomposed into individual bands, each of which corresponds to the radiation of manganese centers with a certain type of local symmetry. The results obtained made it possible to estimate the effect of activator concentration and temperature on changes in the number of radiating manganese centers with different types of local symmetry relative to all luminescent Mn2+ ions in ZnS single crystals under different excitation wavelengths. The results are explained in terms of the redistribution of the direct optical and resonant mechanisms of energy transfer of the exciting light to Mn2+ ions, taking into account losses due to nonradiative interaction with the crystal lattice of ZnS single crystals.

About the Authors

T. A. Prokofiev
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Dnipro, 49010

A. V. Ivanchenko
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Dnipro, 49010


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For citations:

Prokofiev T.A., Ivanchenko A.V. TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCES OF Mn2+ IONS PHOTOLUMINESCENCE WITH DIFFERENT LOCAL SURROUNDINGS IN ZnS SINGLE CRYSTALS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(4):561-569. (In Russ.)

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