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The resonance absorption of radio waves (with a frequency of 10 MHz) by c-band electrons in indium antimonide crystals doped with hydrogen-like donors (tellurium atoms) at room temperature in an external magnetic field has been theoretically studied. The known experimental data obtained for samples with electron concentrations in the range from 6 · 1015 to 5 · 1018 cm-3 are analyzed and interpreted. Our calculations based on the laws of conservation of energy and the quasi-wave vector for electrons and optical phonons have shown that the resonance absorption of radio waves by n-InSb:Te crystals in the magnetic field is due to a spin-phonon resonance. The resonance arises as a result of the spin-flip interaction of the c-band electron with the optical phonon, assisted by the resonant radio wave absorption in the magnetic field. A physical picture of the phenomenon is given, analytical relations are presented, and calculations are carried out that are consistent with the experimental data that previously could not be interpreted at all.

About the Authors

N. A. Poklonski
Belarusian State University
220030, Minsk

А. N. Dzeraviaha
Belarusian State University
220030, Minsk

S. A. Vyrko
Belarusian State University
220030, Minsk


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For citations:

Poklonski N.A., Dzeraviaha А.N., Vyrko S.A. SPIN-PHONON MAGNETIC RESONANCE OF CONDUCTION ELECTRONS IN INDIUM ANTIMONIDE CRYSTALS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(4):595-604. (In Russ.)

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