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Eu3+ doped NaLaMo2O8 phosphors were synthesized by a conventional solid state reaction. The phase and luminescent properties of the synthesized phosphors were investigated in the current work. In NaLaMo2O8, Eu3+ ions replace La3+ ions and form solid compound. This substitution induces the 2θ angles of diffraction peaks to shift to larger values. Under excitation at 395 nm, NaLaMo2O8:Eu3+ phosphors exhibit emission bands in the range of 550-725 nm originating from 5D0®7FJ transitions (J = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) of Eu3+ . The strongest emission band corresponds to the 5D0®7F2 transition, which indicates a site of Eu3+ without inversion symmetry in NaLaMo2O8. The Eu3+ concentration has obvious influence on the luminescent properties of NaLaMo2O8:Eu3+ phosphors. NaLaMo2O8:6mol%Eu3+ has the strongest excitation and emission intensities.

About the Authors

J. Sun
Shandong Labor Vocational and Technical College
Jinan 250022

Q. Li
Shandong Labor Vocational and Technical College
Jinan 250022

Q. Zhou
Shandong Labor Vocational and Technical College
Jinan 250022


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For citations:

Sun J., Li Q., Zhou Q. SYNTHESIS AND RED EMISSION OF Eu3+ DOPED NaLaMo2O8 PHOSPHORS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(4):680(1)-680(6).

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