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Coherent anti-Stokes Raman light scattering is investigated in the constant intensity approximation. It is shown that in the nonlinear optical process of scattering the frequency of an intense light wave, it is important to take into account the effects of self-action and cross-interaction, which have a direct effect on the optimal phase relationship between the interacting waves. The spatial behavior of the intensity of the coherent anti-Stokes wave and the phase of both the pump wave and the anti-Stokes component is investigated. As a result of nonlinear interaction of waves, the period of spatial beats changes. The intensity of the antiStokes scattering component is considered as a function of the phase mismatch, the intensities of the pump and the Stokes wave. According to the obtained analytical expressions, the choice of the optimal parameters of the process makes it possible to implement the regime of efficient generation of the anti-Stokes scattering component. The process of generation of the anti-Stokes component of coherent scattering in an optical fiber is compared with the case of generation in a bulk medium. By varying the pump intensity, one can control the intensity of the output coherent radiation of the anti-Stokes component.

About the Authors

R. J. Kasumova
Baku State University
Baku, 370148

N. V. Kerimli
Baku State University
Baku, 370148

G. A. Safarova
Baku State University
Baku, 370148


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For citations:

Kasumova R.J., Kerimli N.V., Safarova G.A. PHASE EFFECTS ON COHERENT ANTI-STOKES RAMAN SCATTERING. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(1):17-24. (In Russ.)

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