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Nonlinear Reflection of Light from Planar Magnetoplasmonic Nanostructure


The nonlinear equatorial Kerr effect in a planar nanostructure consisting of ferromagnetic and plasmon layers and located between two optically transparent dielectrics is studied theoretically. Calculations are made of nonlinear surface polarizations of interfaces between media that are sources of the second harmonic (SH), angular dependences of the intensities of the reflected SH and magnetic contrasts for different thicknesses of the noble metal layer. It is shown that when a p-polarization wave is incident on the nanostructure, the SH intensity is maximal in the region of the plasmon resonance of the basic frequency on the metal surface adjacent to the lower dielectric. A significant effect of the thickness and location of the plasmon layer on both the SH intensity and the magnetic contrast has been established.

About the Authors

T. M. Chmereva
Orenburg State University
Russian Federation

Orenburg, 460018.

M. G. Kucherenko
Orenburg State University
Russian Federation

Orenburg, 460018.


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For citations:

Chmereva T.M., Kucherenko M.G. Nonlinear Reflection of Light from Planar Magnetoplasmonic Nanostructure. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(3):383-391. (In Russ.)

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