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A novel multi-pass cell laser absorption spectrometer to measure δ13C diluted with nitrogen using a 1.658 μm near-infrared distributed-feedback laser was developed. The system temperature and pressure were measured with an accuracy of ±11 mK and ±3.2 Pa, respectively. The spectrometer is small, reliable, and compact. To minimize the temperature effect in absorbance ratio measurements, we used two appropriate absorption line pairs with nearly the same temperature dependences. The absorption spectrometer demonstrated high precision (a repetitive precision (reproducibility) of ~0.9‰ (1s) is obtained at 300 ppmv methane concentrations). This concentration ratio is adequate for most CH4 source characterization studies.

About the Authors

M. . Niu
Anhui Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences; Technology and Laser Institute, Qufu Normal University
Russian Federation

G. . Wang
Anhui Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

G. . Zhu
Anhui Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

L. . Wang
Anhui Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

J. . Mei
Anhui Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

K. . Liu
Anhui Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

X. . Gao
Anhui Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

W. . Zhang
Anhui Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Niu M., Wang G., Zhu G., Wang L., Mei J., Liu K., Gao X., Zhang W. A NOVEL MULTI-PASS CELL SYSTEM FOR MEASUREMENTS OF METHANE CARBON ISOTOPES USING A NEAR-INFRARED TUNABLE DIODE LASER. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(3):463-468. (In Russ.)

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