Spectral Characteristics of Natural Cinnamic Acids Adsorbed on Aluminum Oxide Surface
It was established that the spectral characteristics (intensity and position of absorption bands) of structurally similar natural cinnamic acids sorbed on the aluminum oxide surface depend on the surface concentration and the pH of aqueous solutions. The conditional molar absorption coefficients (g/(mole•cm)) of adsorbed cinnamic (εS274nm = 1766), coumaric (εS286nm = 2056), ferulic (εS290nm = 1139), and caffeic (εS350nm = = 1163) acids were determined. It was found that the optical density of cinnamic acids correlates with their concentration in the initial testified solution. Owing to this, highly dispersed aluminum oxide can be recommended as a solid-phase reagent for the evaluation of cinnamic, coumaric, ferulic, and caffeic acids in plant-derived products by spectrophotometry or visually test methods. The possibility of selective determination of caffeic acid was also shown.
About the Authors
N. T. KartelUkraine
Kyiv, 03164.
V. N. Barvinchenko
Kyiv, 03164.
N. A. Lipkovska
Kyiv, 03164.
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For citations:
Kartel N.T., Barvinchenko V.N., Lipkovska N.A. Spectral Characteristics of Natural Cinnamic Acids Adsorbed on Aluminum Oxide Surface. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(3):446-451. (In Russ.)