Regularities in the Formation of the Distance of Visibility of Active-Pulse Vision Systems at a Fixed Delay Distance with Taking into Account the Shape of the Illumination Pulse
Herein, the spatial-energy profiles (SEPs) of the recorded signal was numerically studied at different shapes of the illumination pulse and ratios between the durations of illumination τр and registration τg pulses at a fixed delay distance. It was established that at τр < τg and τр = τg the characteristic distance of visibility ranges do not depend on the shape of the illumination pulse. For their determination it is possible to use the previously obtained expressions for illumination pulses of a rectangular shape. As a rule, for the cases considered at τр > τg SEP is a convex asymmetric curve with one maximum in a point Smax. For the simplest forms of illumination pulses designed by triangles or trapezoids the analytical expressions were obtained, allowing calculation of the value Smax on the known delay distance and the duration of the illumination pulse. For the ratio τр > τg, the method of the calibration constant was also proposed to determine the distance Smax at a real shape of the illumination pulse.
About the Authors
B. F. KuntsevichBelarus
Minsk, 220072.
D. V. Shabrov
Minsk, 220072.
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For citations:
Kuntsevich B.F., Shabrov D.V. Regularities in the Formation of the Distance of Visibility of Active-Pulse Vision Systems at a Fixed Delay Distance with Taking into Account the Shape of the Illumination Pulse. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(3):478-484. (In Russ.)