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Energy Levels, Wavelengths, Transition Rates, Line Strengths, and Lifetimes for Low-Lying Levels in Ne-, Na-, Mg-, and Al-Like Ions of Tantalum


Herein the energies of low-lying levels, wavelengths, transition rates, and line strengths for electric dipole allowed (E1) and forbidden (M1) lines in Ne- to Al-like ions of tantalum have been calculated using the GRASP2Kpackage, which is based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) method. From our radiative decay rates, we also calculated the radiative lifetimes of some levels. The present results are in good agreement with other available theoretical and experimental values. We predict new data for several levels where no other theoretical and/or experimental results are available, stipulating the necessity of precise measurements.

About the Authors

X. M. Ren
Institute of Technology at East China Jiao Tong University

Nanchang, 330100.

R. Li
Institute of Technology at East China Jiao Tong University

Nanchang, 330100.

L. H. Hao
College of Science at Hainan Tropical Ocean University

Sanya, Hainan, 572022.

J. J. Liu
College of Science at Hainan Tropical Ocean University

Sanya, Hainan, 572022.


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For citations:

Ren X.M., Li R., Hao L.H., Liu J.J. Energy Levels, Wavelengths, Transition Rates, Line Strengths, and Lifetimes for Low-Lying Levels in Ne-, Na-, Mg-, and Al-Like Ions of Tantalum. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(3):499(1)-499(7).

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