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The feasibility of using three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor nitrogen content in algal bio-oil was investigated. The experimental results suggested that all the bio-oil samples studied exhibited strong fluorescence. Three fluorescence peaks were observed at lex/lem = 240/375 nm (peak A), 290/380 nm (peak B), and 330/395 nm (peak C). The blue-shift in the fluorescence emission wavelength of peak C after upgrading indicated that the fluorescence molecules may lose some functional groups during the upgrading process. Further studies showed that there was a strong linear relationship between the fluorescence intensity ratio of peak C to peak B and the nitrogen content. This work suggests that the use of three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy could provide a sensitive, low cost, intuitive and rapid tool for monitoring the nitrogen content in algal bio-oil.

About the Authors

S. . Zhang
College of Science and Technology, Jiaozuo Teachers College
Russian Federation

Y. . Quan
College of Science and Technology, Jiaozuo Teachers College
Russian Federation

L. . Song
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
Russian Federation

P. . Duan
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
Russian Federation

Y. -Ch. Fan
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Zhang S., Quan Y., Song L., Duan P., Fan Y.-. THREE-DIMENSIONAL FLUORESCENCE CHARACTERISTICS OF ALGAL BIO-OIL. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(3):494-498. (In Russ.)

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