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Some Methods for Determining Pre-Explosive Concentrations of Gas Mixtures


A theoretical study of infrared and interferometric methods of gas analysis has been carried out. Circuit implementations of devices have been developed, and an experimental solution of the problem of obtaining approximately the same sensitivity of the combustible gas detector to the gas components of the mixture has also been described. For both considered gas analyzers, the problem of controlling the selectivity of the analysis of gas components in an air mixture with an error of ~10% has been solved.

About the Authors

V. R. Kozubovsky
Uzhhorod National University


Yu. Yu. Bilak
Uzhhorod National University



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For citations:

Kozubovsky V.R., Bilak Yu.Yu. Some Methods for Determining Pre-Explosive Concentrations of Gas Mixtures. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(1):118-124. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0514-7506 (Print)