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Spectral and Aggregation Properties of Phenylthio-Substituted Al-Phthalocyanine Molecules in Nanoporous Silicate Matrices


The absorption, fluorescence, and fluorescence excitation spectra of phenylthio-substituted Al-phthalocyanine in solutions, polyvinyl butyral films, and silicate gel matrices were studied at room temperature. It was found that monomeric fluorescent forms of impurity molecules are formed not only in ethanol and polyvinyl butyral, but also in inorganic and organo-inorganic silicate matrices colored by direct sol-gel synthesis. It was shown that when the tetraethoxysilane matrix is stained by the impregnation method, nonfluorescent aggregates, presumably of the H-type, are formed. The obtained solid silicate matrices can be used as multipurpose luminescent materials for the near-IR region.

About the Authors

S. M. Arabei
Belarusian State Agrarian and Technical University


T. A. Pavich
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


I. V. Stanishevsky
Belarusian State Agrarian and Technical University


C. Crépin
Institute des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay


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For citations:

Arabei S.M., Pavich T.A., Stanishevsky I.V., Crépin C. Spectral and Aggregation Properties of Phenylthio-Substituted Al-Phthalocyanine Molecules in Nanoporous Silicate Matrices. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(2):145-152. (In Russ.)

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