Second-Harmonic Generation in a Thin Spherical Layer of a Small Radius by Coherent Sources of Elliptically Polarized Radiation
Explicit forms of the power density and the total radiation power of the second-harmonic generation in a thin spherical layer of a small radius are determined. The conditions for a maximal total power of the second harmonic and the direction of observation of the maximum intensity of the second harmonic are found analytically for special cases of the second-order dielectric susceptibility tensor. A numerical maximization of the energy characteristics of the second-harmonic generated radiation is carried out using one and two coherent sources with the same ellipticity of radiation. The advantage of using several coherent sources compared to a single source of initial radiation is shown.
About the Authors
A. I. TalkachovBelarus
A. A. Shamyna
V. N. Kapshai
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For citations:
Talkachov A.I., Shamyna A.A., Kapshai V.N. Second-Harmonic Generation in a Thin Spherical Layer of a Small Radius by Coherent Sources of Elliptically Polarized Radiation. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(6):789-801. (In Russ.)