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Features of the Spatial-Energy Profile of the Signal Recorded by Active-Pulsed Vision Systems with Taking into Account the Energy of the Noise Threshold


We numerically investigated the regularities of the formation of the spatial-energy profile of the visibility zone by active-impulse vision systems, taking into account the noise threshold. Consideration is limited by the case of objects with a known distance from them, which are observed by moving the visibility zone in their vicinity. It is shown that the equation used earlier in the literature, in which the length of the visibility zone is uniquely determined by the sum of the durations of the illumination ∆tlas and strobing ∆tfp, pulses is valid at relatively small distances from objects, where the maximal (peak) values of the signal contrast are close to unity. With a further increase in the distance, the length of the visibility zone decreases. With an increase in the duration of the illumination pulses ∆tlas (starting from the minimum possible value), and the simultaneous fulfillment of the condition ∆tlas + ∆tfp = const, the length of the visibility zone increases relatively quickly in the region where the maximum values of the signal Emax increase. In the region corresponding to the decrease in Emax, the length of the visibility zone asymptotically approaches the maximum possible previously known value. For the first time, a decrease in the length of the visibility zone for fixed durations of illumination and strobing pulses with an increasing distance to the object was experimentally confirmed. 

About the Author

B. F. Kuntsevich
SSPA “Optics, Optoelectronics, and Laser Technology”



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For citations:

Kuntsevich B.F. Features of the Spatial-Energy Profile of the Signal Recorded by Active-Pulsed Vision Systems with Taking into Account the Energy of the Noise Threshold. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(6):869-877. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0514-7506 (Print)