Structure and Spectral-Generation Properties of Complexes of Coumarins with β-Cyclodextrin
The spectral and generation parameters of coumarin class dyes and the mechanism of formation of their inclusion complexes (IC) with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) have been studied. The formation of ICs is accompanied by a significant shift in the absorption and fluorescence spectra. Based on quantum-chemical calculations and the assignment of absorption bands in the IR spectra, the mechanism of complex formation of coumarins with β-CD has been established. It is shown that the studied ICs of coumarins with β-CD are characterized by a higher generation efficiency and photostability and can be considered as new active media for tunable dye lasers, the generation efficiency and photostability of which are higher than those of the initial dyes.
About the Authors
S. S. AnufrikBelarus
V. V. Tarkovsky
S. N. Anuchin
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For citations:
Anufrik S.S., Tarkovsky V.V., Anuchin S.N. Structure and Spectral-Generation Properties of Complexes of Coumarins with β-Cyclodextrin. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(1):22-28. (In Russ.)