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High-Speed Air-Bridge Photodetectors for the Mid-IR Spectral Region


The uncooled air-bridge photodetectors based on InAs/InAsSbP heterostructures are presented for the mid-IR spectral region. The main difference in the air-bridge design is that a contact pad is outside the photosensitive mesa and is connected with it only by an air-bridge contact. This design makes it possible to reduce the area of the p-n junction, and, accordingly, the capacity of the device. This leads to an increase in the speed without loss in detectivity. The InAs/InAsSbP heterostructures were grown on InAs substrates with the orientation of (111) by MOCVD. The developed photodetectors had a maximum spectral sensitivity in the range of 2.8–3.1 mm and a differential resistance in zero offset of R0 = 1.0–5.6 kOhm. The capacity of the best devices was C = 3.4–3.6 pF at Urev = 0 V. The speed of the photodetector using an InGaAsP/InP laser with a wavelength of 1.55 mm was carried out. Determined by the front growth of the photoresponse, the speed is 200 ps. The developed air-bridge photodetectors can be applied to register laser pulses in the range of 1.1–3.8 mm. 

About the Authors

A. A. Pivovarova
Ioffe Institute
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

E. V. Kunitsyna
Ioffe Institute
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

G. G. Konovalov
Ioffe Institute
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

S. O. Slipchenko
Ioffe Institute
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

A. A. Podoskin
Ioffe Institute
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

I. A. Andreev
Ioffe Institute
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

N. A. Pikhtin
Ioffe Institute
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

N. D. Il’inskaya
Ioffe Institute
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

A. E. Chernyakov
Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics, Research and Engineering Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

Yu. P. Yakovlev
Ioffe Institute
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg


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For citations:

Pivovarova A.A., Kunitsyna E.V., Konovalov G.G., Slipchenko S.O., Podoskin A.A., Andreev I.A., Pikhtin N.A., Il’inskaya N.D., Chernyakov A.E., Yakovlev Yu.P. High-Speed Air-Bridge Photodetectors for the Mid-IR Spectral Region. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(1):102-108. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0514-7506 (Print)