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Luminescence Properties of Bi3+-Doped Sr3B2O6


The purpose of this study was to investigate the photoluminescence properties of Bi3+-activated Sr3B2O6. Pure Sr3B2O6 and Bi3+-doped Sr3B2O6 were synthesized by a solution combustion method. The phase and photoluminescence analyses of the borates that were synthesized were determined by using X-ray diffraction and a spectrofluorometer respectively at room temperature. It was observed that the synthesized Bi3+-doped Sr3B2O6 emitted blue light (441 nm) upon excitation with 366 nm. Finally, the Stokes shift of Sr3B2O6:Bi3+ was calculated and found to be 4646 cm–1

About the Author

İ. Pekgözlü
Karabük University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering



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For citations:

Pekgözlü İ. Luminescence Properties of Bi3+-Doped Sr3B2O6. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(1):116. (In Russ.)

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