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Effect of Lead Fluoride on the Spectroscopic Properties of Dy3+-Doped Borate-Based Glasses


The effect of adding PbF2 to the spectroscopic properties of dysprosium-doped borate-based glasses is studied. The content of PbF2 in the glass is varied from 0 to 50 mol%. X-ray diffraction confirms the amorphous nature of the glass. The Judd–Ofelt theory is applied to evaluate the intensity parameters Ωλ (λ = 1, 2, 3) from the UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra of glasses. Various radiative parameters are calculated, and the variation of these parameters with different concentrations of lead fluoride is discussed. The fluorescence spectra of glasses are recorded, and it is observed that the fluorescence yield increases as the PbF2 content rises from 0 to 40 mol% but decreases thereafter. The IR absorption spectra of these glasses are also recorded and interpreted in terms of changes in the structure of the glasses. The decay lifetime of the 4F9/2 level of the dysprosium ion is measured from the decay profile and compared with the calculated lifetime. 

About the Author

P. Srivastava
K. N. Govt. P. G. College

Gyanpur, Bhadohi


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For citations:

Srivastava P. Effect of Lead Fluoride on the Spectroscopic Properties of Dy3+-Doped Borate-Based Glasses. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(1):117. (In Russ.)

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