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Structural, Morphological, and Photoluminescence Properties of TiO2-Doped CdO Nanocomposites Prepared by a Simple Solution Method


Pure CdO and TiO2-doped CdO nanocomposites with different wt% ratios (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%) were prepared by a simple solution method. Structural, morphological, and elemental composition of the prepared samples was undertaken by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and photoluminescence. The diffraction peaks of the samples showed the cubic phase structure and the prepared nanocomposites were on the nanoscale. SEM revealed the plate-like chunks with irregular grains due to agglomeration. The particle size of the pure CdO sample was found to be 61.98 nm, whereas TiO2-doped CdO (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%) exhibited 49.57, 35.41, and 31 nm. The first peak was observed at 1.90 eV in the IR-visible region and the second peak at 2.38 eV. Both the peaks correspond to CdO. Near-band-edge emission of 2.38 eV is typical for both pure and doped CdO. It can be suggested that the photo-generated electrons have been trapped in to Ti4+ in the forbidden gap, which enhanced the deep level emission. 

About the Authors

M. S. Kumar
Department of Physics, Andhra Loyola College


R. V. S. S. N. Ravikumar
Department of Physics, Acharya Nagarjuna University

Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur

M. C. Rao
Department of Physics, Andhra Loyola College



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For citations:

Kumar M.S., Ravikumar R., Rao M.C. Structural, Morphological, and Photoluminescence Properties of TiO2-Doped CdO Nanocomposites Prepared by a Simple Solution Method. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(1):119. (In Russ.)

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