Fluorescence Studies on Flavonoid Diglycosides and Corresponding Deglycosylated Monoglycosides
A fluorescence quantitative detection method suitable for high-throughput screening of rhamnosidase catalytic activity on naringin was established. Detection of prunin at λex/λem = 360/450 nm was based on the fluorescence difference after heating under alkaline conditions. Detection of naringin at λex/λem = 325/400 nm was based on the difference in fluorescence in phosphate buffer. The method is suitable for prescreening many samples. A similar method can detect the fluorescence of hesperidin and hesperitin-7-o-glucoside, which provides a reference for the rapid detection of diglycosides and corresponding deglycosylated monoglycosides.
About the Authors
H. LiChina
W. Li
G. Huang
L. Li
H. Ni
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For citations:
Li H., Li W., Huang G., Li L., Ni H. Fluorescence Studies on Flavonoid Diglycosides and Corresponding Deglycosylated Monoglycosides. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(1):128. (In Russ.)