Covalent Tryptophan-Nanodiamond Complex as an Effective Fluorescent Marker for the Detection of Halocarbons in Solutions
The reaction of phototransformation of free tryptophan (Trp) and as part of a complex with nanodiamond particles (ND-Trp) in the presence of halocarbon (HC) – chloroform was studied by stationary spectroscopy. It was found that in the presence of chloroform, irradiation of solutions with UV radiation leads to an increase in the fluorescence intensity of the phototransformation products of tryptophan (FTT) – kynurenine and its derivatives. At the same time, a more significant increase in the intensity of integral fluorescence with a maximum of ~460 nm was observed in the ND-Trp system than in the system with free tryptophan. Optimal conditions for this reaction were studied. The applicability of the FTT reaction for the detection of widely used chlorine-containing hydrocarbons has been demonstrated: arochlor 1254 (USA standard) and prochlorase, which is part of the combined fungicide “Zamir”. A new photometric test system has been proposed for the detection of a high degree of sensitivity (up to 10–6–10–9 M) in the FTT reaction when irradiated with UV light.
About the Authors
V. A. LapinaBelarus
T. A. Pavich
Ju. A. Kalvinkovskaya
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For citations:
Lapina V.A., Pavich T.A., Kalvinkovskaya J.A. Covalent Tryptophan-Nanodiamond Complex as an Effective Fluorescent Marker for the Detection of Halocarbons in Solutions. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(5):721-727. (In Russ.)