Variation in Refractive Index and Extinction Coefficient of a Very Thin Copper Film by Thermal Annealing: an Ellipsometric Approach
A pure experiment-based work was conducted to investigate the optical characteristics of a thin absorbing single-layer copper film at various annealing temperatures. The study also systematically examined the utilization of spectroscopic ellipsometry as an effective tool for fine-tuning the optical constants of thin films, particularly for achieving specific refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) values. The measurement and analysis involved a thermally deposited thin nano-sized single-layer copper film on a glass substrate, along with a spectroscopic ellipsometer.
About the Author
A. K. SomakumarIndia
Ajeesh Kumar Somakumar
Kottayam, Kerala
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For citations:
Somakumar A.K. Variation in Refractive Index and Extinction Coefficient of a Very Thin Copper Film by Thermal Annealing: an Ellipsometric Approach. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(5):803.