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A comparative study of eye-safe extracavity KGW Raman lasers that convert multimode radiation from Nd:KGW lasers operating on4F3/2-4I11/2 and4F3/2-4I13/ transitions into the third Stokes component at l = 1500 nm and the first Stokes component at l = 1507 or 1538 nm, respectively, was carried out. For the same sizes of laser and Raman elements, Raman laser emitting the third Stokes component provides higher power and energy of the pulse (~14.2 mJ) and smaller divergence of the Stokes beam (~9.4 mrad) at lower pump energy of Nd:KGW laser (~6.7 J). At the pump pulse energy of 29-34 mJ, all Raman lasers have the same optical efficiency reaching 36 %. However, in terms of the electrical energy delivered to the flashlamp, the total efficiency of the Raman laser of the third Stokes component is »1.7 times larger. The duration of Raman pulses is comparable to that of pump pulses and is ~20 ns for the first Stokes components. The pulse of the third Stokes component is shorter by a factor of 2.5-3. Because of different pump levels and different strength of thermo-optical distortions of Nd:KGW laser elements, the energy density distribution for the beams of the first Stokes component is elliptical, while it is almost circular for the beam the of the third Stokes component. The possibility of simultaneous lasing at wavelengths of 1507 and 1538 nm in parallel and orthogonal polarizations of Stokes waves is shown.

About the Authors

V. I. Dashkevich
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

A. A. Rusak
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

V. A. Orlovich
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

A. P. Shkadarevich
Unitary Enterprise “STC “LEMT” of the BelOMO”
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Dashkevich V.I., Rusak A.A., Orlovich V.A., Shkadarevich A.P. EYE-SAFE KGd(WO4)2RAMAN LASERS:A COMPARATIVE STUDY AT PUMPINGBY Nd:KGd(WO4)2 LASERS WITH4F3/2®4I11/2 AND4F3/2®4I13/2 WORKING TRANSITIONS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(6):889-897. (In Russ.)

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