Influence of pathogenic microorganisms on spectral characteristics of leaf pigments in apple clonal rootstocks
The spectral reflectance curve (SRC) of ethanol extracts of leaf pigments concentrated on filter paper was analyzed. The areas of the spectrum that are the most subject to change in the process of pathogenesis were identified. A change in the slope of the SRC was noted in the area connecting the point of maximum absorption of the studied pigment and the nearest point that is not related to its content. For the analysis of carotenoids in apple rootstock forms the range of 510−590 nm was informative; for chlorophyll were 640−670 nm and 670−700 nm. At different genotypes, the angular coefficient in the equation of the trend line to the study sector of SRC (k510-590, k640-670 and k670-700) changed depending on the resistance of the host plant’s pigment apparatus to the parasite. The forms that showed the greatest resistance to the complex of pathogenic micromycetes and to the bacterium P. syringae were identified.
About the Authors
M. V. MaslovaRussian Federation
Michurinsk, Tambov Region
M. L. Dubrovsky
Russian Federation
Michurinsk, Tambov Region
E. V. Grosheva
Russian Federation
Michurinsk, Tambov Region
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For citations:
Maslova M.V., Dubrovsky M.L., Grosheva E.V. Influence of pathogenic microorganisms on spectral characteristics of leaf pigments in apple clonal rootstocks. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(6):868-876. (In Russ.)