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The present work is devoted to the development of a rapid method for analyzing lignin in paper using IR reflectance spectra from its surface. To develop the method, the IR absorption and reflectance spectra of model paper samples made from hardwood and softwood fibers with different lignin content were analyzed. A comparison of the intensity of the lignin absorption band at 1510 cm- 1 in the absorption spectra after the Kubelka-Munk transformation of the reflectance spectra of the paper and chemical data on the lignin content in the fibers showed a good correlation. The analytical relationship between the lignin content in the paper fibers and the intensity of the lignin absorption band was used to estimate the lignin concentration in the samples of Russian stamping paper of the 19th century using their IR reflectance spectra. The cellulose structure parameter, estimated from the paper reflectance spectra, showed that the sheets containing lignin (5-16%) consisted entirely of wood fibers, and they were supplemented with kaolin.

About the Authors

O. Yu. Derkacheva
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Higher School of Technology and Energy
Russian Federation

D. O. Tsypkin
Saint Petersburg State University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Derkacheva O.Yu., Tsypkin D.O. ASSESSMENT OF LIGNIN CONTENT IN PAPER FIBERS USING IR-REFLECTANCE SPECTROSCOPY. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(6):993-999. (In Russ.)

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