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Methods of extraction-spectrophotometric determination of tris(2-chloroethyl)amine using nine acid dyes from the groups of sulfonephthaleins, sulfonated anthraquinones, and azo dyes have been developed. These procedures are based on the formation of the ion associates of the reactants and their extraction into chloroform. The conditions of the determination were optimized to determine the optimal pH for extraction from the water phase, the optimal excess of the dye, and the time needed for the extraction. The limits of detection and determination, the molar absorptivities of ion associates, extraction efficiency, distribution ratio, and conditional extraction constants for the separate procedures of determination were calculated. Of the studied acid dyes, the most suitable agents for determining the analyte were bromothymol blue and Acid Blue 129. These procedures are relatively undemanding in terms of time and instruments required and can be applied in field analysis of nitrogen mustards.

About the Authors

T. . Rozsypal
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defence Institute, University of Defence
Russian Federation

E. . Halámek
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defence Institute, University of Defence
Russian Federation

Z. . Kobliha
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defence Institute, University of Defence
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Rozsypal T., Halámek E., Kobliha Z. SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF TRIS(2-CHLOROETHYL)AMINE USING ACID DYES. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(6):1020(1)-1020(6). (In Russ.)

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