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A mixture of xenon with a non-toxic halogen carrier Xe-KBr was used to create a plasma radiation source at the 282 nm transition of the XeBr* molecule excited by a high-voltage pulsed-periodic discharge. The luminescence spectra of the plasma of a longitudinal pulsed-periodic discharge in the Xe-KBr mixture at low pressures are experimentally studied. The most intensive UV bands of exciplex XeBr* molecules are recorded in the spectral range 250-350 nm. The spectral, temporal, and energetic characteristics of the radiation source are presented, as well as the dependence of the XeBr* exciplex molecule formation efficiency on the discharge excitation conditions. The optimal conditions for the excitation of the UV radiation in the pulsed-periodic discharge plasma are determined.

About the Authors

A. A. Heneral
Institute of Electron Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

Y. V. Zhmenyak
Institute of Electron Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Heneral A.A., Zhmenyak Y.V. LUMINESCENT CHARACTERISTICS OF A PULSED DISCHARGE PLASMA IN Xe-KBr MIXTURE. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2018;85(1):89-93. (In Russ.)

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