
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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A method of chemical separation of the components of bone tissue, based on their selective solubility, with the subsequent determination of microelements by atomic absorption spectrometry, is proposed. The total concentrations of Mg, Zn, Fe, Sr, Cu, Mn, and Pb, and the concentrations of these elements in solutions with pH 6.5, 10, and 12 after their interaction with the bone preparation were determined. The obtained concentrations of the “soluble” fractions of trace elements are critically analyzed taking into account the possible reactions of formation and precipitation new insoluble phases in alkaline solutions. Based on the data obtained, the ability of elements to form mobile fractions in the composition of bone tissue can be represented as follows: Mg > Zn ≥ Fe > Sr > Cu; at the same time, noncrystalline Mg is predominantly localized in water or biological liquids of the bone, and noncrystalline Zn - in the alkali-soluble organic component of the bone, Pb and Mn are practically not detected in solutions, i.e., localized in the crystalline phase.

About the Authors

S. N. Danilchenko
Institute of Applied Physics, National Academic of Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

Yu. V. Rogulsky
Institute of Applied Physics, National Academic of Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

A. N. Kulik
Institute of Applied Physics, National Academic of Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

A. N. Kalinkevich
Institute of Applied Physics, National Academic of Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Danilchenko S.N., Rogulsky Yu.V., Kulik A.N., Kalinkevich A.N. DETERMINATION OF LABILE AND STRUCTURALLY BOUND MICROELEMENTS OF BONE TISSUE BY ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2019;86(2):249-255. (In Russ.)

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