
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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We investigated the exciton spectra of luminescence of ZnO crystals within the temperature interval 10–300 K. In a number of zinc oxide samples at temperatures above 150 K there is anomalous behavior of the temperature characteristics of the exciton-phonon luminescence (EPL) of free excitons, which can be interpreted as a manifestation of the exciton-electron interaction. The features of the temperature behavior of the EPL of free excitons are closely related to the defective composition and total disturbance of the translational symmetry of crystals, which allows us to offer a non-destructive method for their quality control. We described the conditions for registration of an unusual luminescence spectrum of ZnO associated with inelastic scattering of free excitons accompanied by the radiation of excited excitons and exciton-phonon complexes.

About the Authors

V. A. Nikitenko
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Russian Federation

9, bldg 14, Obraztsova Str., Moscow, 127994

S. M. Kokin
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Russian Federation

9, bldg 14, Obraztsova Str., Moscow, 127994

S. G. Stouyhin
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Russian Federation

9, bldg 14, Obraztsova Str., Moscow, 127994


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For citations:

Nikitenko V.A., Kokin S.M., Stouyhin S.G. ANOMALIES OF TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF LUMINESCENCE SPECTRA OF FREE EXCITON IN ZnO. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2019;86(4):505-509. (In Russ.)

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