
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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We have considered collinear and orthogonal configurations of double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) for the chlorine determination in plants and concrete by Cl I 837.59 nm line. It has been found that the signal-to-noise ratio is slightly lower in the orthogonal configuration due to spatial instability of the second breakdown. At the same time, the suppression of interfering molecular bands in this case can increase the LIBS sensitivity of chlorine analysis in plant materials.

About the Authors

A. S. Zakuskin
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

A. M. Popov
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

S. M. Zaytsev
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

N. B. Zorov
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

M. V. Belkov
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

T. A. Labutin
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Zakuskin A.S., Popov A.M., Zaytsev S.M., Zorov N.B., Belkov M.V., Labutin T.A. ORTHOGONAL AND COLLINEAR CONFIGURATIONS OF DOUBLE PULSE LASER INDUCED BREAKDOWN SPECTROMETRY FOR SENSITIVE CHLORINE ANALYSIS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(2):303-307. (In Russ.)

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