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The spectral-kinetic characteristics of the annihilation delayed fluorescence (ADF) of 7-azaindole solution in cyclohexane were measured at room temperature. Two bands with maxima at 345 and 480 nm were observed in the ADF spectrum. The short-wavelength band is interpreted as ADF of dimers formed due to dipole-dipole interactions of molecules in excited singlet and ground states, which are populated as a result of triplet-triplet annihilation of monomers. The long-wavelength band refers to the ADF of dimertautomers, which are formed due to the double hydrogen bond and double proton transfer. Excited singlet states of dimers-tautomers are populated as a result of the mixed annihilation of the triplet states of monomers and dimers-tautomers. The decay kinetics of triplet states of monomers and dimers-tautomers is determined mainly by triplet-triplet annihilation processes.

About the Author

A. A. Sukhodola
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

68-2 Nezavisimosti Prosp., Minsk, 220072


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For citations:

Sukhodola A.A. MECHANISM OF THE ANNIHILATION DELAYED FLUORESCENCE OF 7-AZAINDOLE SOLUTION IN CYCLOHEXANE. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2019;86(3):360-367. (In Russ.)

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