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A method for monitoring dynamic wound changes in video sequence based on integral optical flow is proposed. The method first analyses frame by frame sequentially and then builds integral optical flow and motion maps for video sequence. Motion maps allow to determine the rate of epithelialization of wounds in critical regions that are characterized by violation of tissue growth. From motion maps, we also determine stages of tissue healing. Dynamic characteristics of wound tissue changing are introduced and calculated.

About the Authors

H. Chen
Zhejiang Shuren University
8, Shuren Str., 310015, Hangzhou

A. Nedzvedz
Belarusian State University; United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

O. Nedzvedz
Belarusian State Medical University

Sh. Ye
Zhejiang Shuren University
8, Shuren Str., 310015, Hangzhou

Ch. Chen
Zhejiang Shuren University
8, Shuren Str., 310015, Hangzhou

S. Ablameyko
Belarusian State University; United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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For citations:

Chen H., Nedzvedz A., Nedzvedz O., Ye Sh., Chen Ch., Ablameyko S. DYNAMIC WOUNDMONITORING IN VIDEO SEQUENCE BY USING INTEGRAL OPTICAL FLOW. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2019;86(3):401-409. (In Russ.)

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