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Dielectronic recombination of the Cd+  (4d105s 2S1/2) ion via formation of the 4d95s2 5p 3Do1 Cd atom autoionization state and its radiative decay on the 4d105p2 3 PJ autoionization states was detected and studied in intersecting electron and ion beams using UV spectroscopy. The 4d95s2 5p 3Do1 → 4d105p2 3P0 radiation transition is found to be the most intensive. The effective cross-section of dielectronic recombination at the maximum equals (5.0+2.0)•10–17 сm2  which is comparable with those for the electron excitation of the spectral lines (including resonance ones) of the ion under investigation. High probability of radiative decay of the 4d95s2 5p 3Do1 autoionization state is due to the interconfigurational interaction (4d105s5p + 4d105p5d + + 4d95s2 5p + 4d95p3 ).

About the Authors

A. N. Gomonai
Institute of Electron Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Uzhgorod, 88017

A. I. Gomonai
Institute of Electron Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Uzhgorod, 88017

Yu. I. Hutych
Institute of Electron Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Uzhgorod, 88017

V. V. Zvenigorodskij
Institute of Electron Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Uzhgorod, 88017


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For citations:

Gomonai A.N., Gomonai A.I., Hutych Yu.I., Zvenigorodskij V.V. DIELECTRONIC RECOMBINATION OF THE Cd+ ION VIA 4d95s25p AUTOIONIZING STATES. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(5):687-693. (In Russ.)

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