
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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A detailed interpretation of exciton lines caused by the presence of a lithium impurity in ZnO crystals (T = 4.2 K) was carried out: the 368.5 nm line is caused by the radiative recombination of excitons bound on neutral donor states Liix; the 371.2 nm line is caused by the same process, but occurring simultaneously with the transition of the donor to the excited state; the 368.2 nm line occurs when excitons bound on ionized Lii+ states emit, and finally, line 369.7 nm is the emission of excitons bound on acceptor complexes of the form (Zni + LiZn| ), (InZn+ LiZn| ), (Lii + LiZn| ), etc. The measurement data also made it possible to calculate the ionization energy of shallow donors Liix:Ed = 0.033 eV. Thus, a method for exciton spectroscopy of lithium states affecting the optical and electrophysical characteristics of zinc oxide has been developed.

About the Authors

V. A. Nikitenko
Russian University of Transport
Russian Federation
Moscow, 127994

S. M. Kokin
Russian University of Transport
Russian Federation
Moscow, 127994

S. G. Stoyukhin
Russian University of Transport
Russian Federation
Moscow, 127994

S. V. Mukhin
Russian University of Transport
Russian Federation
Moscow, 127994


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For citations:

Nikitenko V.A., Kokin S.M., Stoyukhin S.G., Mukhin S.V. ROLE OF LITHIUM IN THE FORMATION OF EXCITON LUMINESCENCE OF ZINC OXIDE. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(5):714-718. (In Russ.)

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