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Samples of a series of Cu1–xPdxFeS2 (x = 0—0.02) compounds were studied by 63,65Cu NMR in a local field at a temperature of 77 K. The spectra of the samples were measured, their parameters were determined, and the fields in the region of 63,65Cu nuclei were estimated. An asymmetric broadening of the resonance NMR lines with a smoother decay in the high-frequency region was found, which may be the result of an increase in the number of defects in the crystal lattice of the compound. Such defects can be FeCu2+  antisite defects, the formation of which is caused by the formation of the PdS phase in the chalcopyrite matrix with an increase in the nominal Pd content.

About the Authors

V. L. Matukhin
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420066

A. N. Gavrilenko
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420066

E. V. Schmidt
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420066

I. G. Sevastyanov
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420066

F. R. Sirazutdinov
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420066

J. Navratil
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences,
Czech Republic
Praha, 16200

P. Novak
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences,
Czech Republic
Praha, 16200


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For citations:

Matukhin V.L., Gavrilenko A.N., Schmidt E.V., Sevastyanov I.G., Sirazutdinov F.R., Navratil J., Novak P. 63,65Cu NMR STUDY OF DOPED CHALCOPYRITE Cu1–xPdxFeS2 COMPOUNDS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(5):746-751. (In Russ.)

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