
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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The method for monitoring cell population movement in microscopic video-sequences based on integral optical flow and motion maps is proposed. Through adjustment and calibration of the optical system and averaging consecutive frames, high-quality subsequent images are obtained. Short-term dynamic characteristics are determined by optical flow. Based on optical flow, integral optical flow is calculated and used to create motion maps, and these maps are used to analyze and describe motions in any region of interest. Therefore, different types of cell movements, including directional motion, aggregation and dispersion can be identified. Our method doesn’t require training, it can be used for situation monitoring and analysis, or as a component of comprehensive systems. Experiments performed on synthesized and real microscopic video images show the effectiveness of our method.

About the Authors

H. Chen
Zhejiang Shuren University
310015, Hangzhou

O. V. Nedzvedz
Belarusian State Medical University
Minsk, 220116

Sh. Ye
Zhejiang Shuren University
310015, Hangzhou

A. M. Nedzvedz
Belarusian State University; United Institute of Informatics Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Minsk, 220030;
Minsk, 220020

S. V. Ablameyko
Belarusian State University; United Institute of Informatics Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Minsk, 220030;
Minsk, 220020


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For citations:

Chen H., Nedzvedz O.V., Ye Sh., Nedzvedz A.M., Ablameyko S.V. СELL POPULATION DYNAMICS MONITORING IN VIDEO BASED ON INTEGRAL OPTICAL FLOW AND MOTION MAPS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(5):777-789. (In Russ.)

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