
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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We studied the physiological and biochemical parameters as well as the elemental composition of Hypogymnia physodes samples from various phytocenoses differing in lighting conditions and air humidity. Under the conditions of severe shading in the spruce forest we observed in H. physodes thalli a significant increase in the content of chlorophyll a and nitrogen, the maximum value of the pheophytinization coefficient, and the minimum content of phenolic compounds. High insolation in birch and pine forests led to a decrease in the values of all the studied biochemical parameters, with the exception for phenolic compounds, the content of which was the highest under these conditions. AES-ICP analysis of H. physodes thalli revealed 20 elements (Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Pb, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, W, Zn). These elements were found in lichen samples from all the studied natural phytocenoses, with the exception of Mo, which was absent in the samples from black alder forest. The maximum concentration for almost half of the elements (Al, B, Fe, K, Mo, Na, Sn, Ti, V) were determined in the samples from the spruce forest, where, due to the high and more stable level of humidity, the thalli are oftener and longer presented in a hydrated state. Based on the analysis of the cross-correlation of the physiological and biochemical parameters and the metal concentration in the samples, a complex system of correlation relationships was established. The results indicate a high coordination of various physiological processes. A crucial role in the supporting of their consistency under the changing environmental conditions was found for chlorophyll a. The content of this pigment was associated with a more significant number of different physiological and biochemical parameters and element concentrations.

About the Authors

A. F. Meysurova
Tver State University
Russian Federation
Tver, 170100

A. A. Notov
Tver State University
Russian Federation
Tver, 170100

A. V. Pungin
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Russian Federation
Kaliningrad, 236041

L. N. Skrypnik
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Russian Federation
Kaliningrad, 236041


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For citations:

Meysurova A.F., Notov A.A., Pungin A.V., Skrypnik L.N. COMPLEX PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF Hypogymnia physodes IN DIFFERENT PHYTOCENOSES. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(5):804-815. (In Russ.)

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