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Berberine hydrochloride (BH) is a frequently detected antibiotic in environmental waters. The objective of this study was to investigate the photodegradation of the problematic antibiotic in pure water under simulated sunlight (290–800 nm) using a photodegradation chamber. The effects of irradiation time, pH, and the presence of the matrix (nitrate, humic acid, copper, and hydrogen peroxide) were investigated in this study. The results showed that the BH degradation follows pseudo-first-order kinetics, with the degradation of BH decreasing slightly with increasing irradiation time. The rate of BH photolysis was more efficient in the near-neutral condition than in alkaline or acidic solutions and increased in the presence of nitrate and copper. Hydrogen peroxide and humic acid accelerated or inhibited degradation of BH depending on their concentration. The rapid photodegradation of BH under simulated sunlight suggested that photolytic disinfection could also be effective for degradation of the target antibiotics in water.

About the Authors

Chengbin Xu
School of Environmental Science, Liaoning University
Shenyang 110036

Jiajia He
School of Environmental Science, Liaoning University
Shenyang 110036

Ying Wang
School of Environmental Science, Liaoning University
Shenyang 110036

Zien Xu
School of Environmental Science, Liaoning University
Shenyang 110036

Xiping Ma
School of Environmental Science, Liaoning University
Shenyang 110036

Xuelian Meng
School of Pharmacy, Liaoning University
Shenyang 110036


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For citations:

Xu Ch., He J., Wang Y., Xu Z., Ma X., Meng X. PHOTODEGRADATION OF BERBERINE HYDROCHLORIDE UNDER SIMULATED SUNLIGHT IRRADIATION. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(5):853(1)-853(7 ).

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