Three-wave СО2 laser with acousto-optic Q-switching
The principle of operation and features of the oscillating process for a three-wave CO2 laser with acousto-optic Q-switching are described. Optimization of the composition of the active medium and the conditions of its excitation, as well as the choice of oscillating lines, allow obtaining oscillation with an output power of up to 5 W per line in a stable multi-wave mode. An efficient Q-switching method for a three-wave CO2 laser is demonstrated, which makes it possible to control the output radiation both in a wide spectral range and in a wide range of modulation frequencies. In order to simplify data acquisition and processing, a method for separating signals with different wavelengths by spacing signals in time has been experimentally implemented using an external selective modulator.
About the Authors
V. A. GorobetsBelarus
Minsk, 220072.
Y. V. Lebiadok
Minsk, 220072.
R. Y. Mikulich
Minsk, 220072.
S. S. Shavel
Minsk, 220072.
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For citations:
Gorobets V.A., Lebiadok Y.V., Mikulich R.Y., Shavel S.S. Three-wave СО2 laser with acousto-optic Q-switching. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(6):873-879. (In Russ.)