Using decomposition of IR spectra at analysis of the structural-phase transformation of kaolinite
The decomposition of the IR spectra of kaolin samples after their treatment in the temperature range of 100, 600-1000 °C was carried out by the principal components method. Three main components (PCs) have been identified according to the number of main stages of the structural-phase transformation of kaolinite depending on the processing temperature: dehydroxylation of kaolinite (PC1), transformation of metakaolinite (PC2), crystallization of a new phase (PC3). The samples of kaolin are divided into three groups, according to their factor loads for three PCs. The transformation of metakaolinite was revealed by the change in the coordinates of the frequencies of the IR spectrum for the first and third PCs, to which the bonds (=Al-O) in tetrahedral and octahedral coordination, and the (≡Si-O-Si ≡) bonds (siloxane bridge) are attributed. These bonds are characteristic for amorphous silicate phase. The stages of structural-phase transformations of kaolinite, depending on the processing temperature and the dispersion of the initial kaolin fractions, are in good agreement with the change in the chemical activity of the heat treatment products.
About the Authors
Yu. Т. PlatovRussian Federation
Moscow, 117997.
P. A. Platova
Russian Federation
Moscow, 117997.
P. G. Molodkina
Russian Federation
Moscow, 117997.
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For citations:
Platov Yu.Т., Platova P.A., Molodkina P.G. Using decomposition of IR spectra at analysis of the structural-phase transformation of kaolinite. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(6):897-904. (In Russ.)