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Stimulated emission of thin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films irradiated by protons


Spontaneous and stimulated emission (SE) of thin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films, deposited on sodium-containing glass substrates and irradiated by protons with an energy of 2.5 keV and doses of 1014—1017 cm-2, were investigated upon excitation by nanosecond laser pulses with the power density from 5 to 100 kW/cm2. An increase in the intensity and a decrease in the SE threshold appearance were found for the films, irradiated by protons with doses of 1014—1015 cm-2, in comparison with non-irradiated films. An increase in the SE threshold and a decrease in the intensity of SE and spontaneous emission were observed at the irradiation dose of 1016 cm-2. After a dose of 1017 cm-2 the intensity of emission decreased sharply and the SE threshold was not reached. Possible reasons of the observed effects are discussed.

About the Authors

I. E. Svitsiankou
B.I. Stepanov Institute Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Minsk, 220072.

V. N. Pavlovskii
B.I. Stepanov Institute Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Minsk, 220072.

E. V. Lutsenko
B.I. Stepanov Institute Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Minsk, 220072.

G. P. Yablonskii
B.I. Stepanov Institute Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Minsk, 220072.

A. V. Mudryi
Scietific Practical Materials Research Centre of National Academy of Sciences
Minsk, 220072.

О. M. Borodavchenko
Scietific Practical Materials Research Centre of National Academy of Sciences
Minsk, 220072.

V. D. Zhivulko
Scietific Practical Materials Research Centre of National Academy of Sciences
Minsk, 220072.

М. V. Yakushev
M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Ural Federal University
Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, 620002.


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For citations:

Svitsiankou I.E., Pavlovskii V.N., Lutsenko E.V., Yablonskii G.P., Mudryi A.V., Borodavchenko О.M., Zhivulko V.D., Yakushev М.V. Stimulated emission of thin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films irradiated by protons. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(6):905-910. (In Russ.)

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