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Influence of the pH and polyelectrolytes on the spectral-kinetic properties of the AIS/ZnS semiconductor quantum dots in water solutions


In water solutions, spectral-kinetic parameters of quantum dots based on the mixture of semiconductors of I-III-VI groups, namely Ag-In-S, Ag-In-S2 with ZnS layer (QD AIS/ZnS), show a specific dependence on pH and the local polarity caused by the interaction with polyelectrolytes (spectral shifts, hyperchromism and hypochromism in absorption and photoluminescence spectra, changes of the photoluminescence mean decay). It was argued that changes of QD AIS/ZnS upon variation of the solution pH are caused by the reversible recharging of ampholyte ion groups, which thus alters the structure of the Helmholtz binary layer at the QD surface covered by glutathione molecules. It is shown that the second derivative of QD absorption spectra both in an acid medium and upon interaction with polyelectrolytes corresponds to the Stark linear effect caused by the formation of the QD induced dipole moment. The results obtained and the corresponding conclusions on their basis may be used to develop selective markers for testing local pH and polarity in biomedicine using QD AIS/ZnS.

About the Authors

I. G. Motevich
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Grodno, 230023.

E. I. Zenkevich
Belarusian National Technical University
Minsk, 220013.

A. L. Stroyuk
L.V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, 03028.

A. E. Raevskaya
L.V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Physics of the Chemnitz University of Technology
Kyiv, 03028; Chemnitz, D-09107.

O. M. Kulikova
G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
Ivanovo, 153045.

V. B. Sheinin
G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
Ivanovo, 153045.

O. I. Koifman
G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
Ivanovo, 153045.

D. R. T. Zahn
Institute of Physics of the Chemnitz University of Technology
Chemnitz, D-09107.

N. D. Strekal
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Grodno, 230023.


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For citations:

Motevich I.G., Zenkevich E.I., Stroyuk A.L., Raevskaya A.E., Kulikova O.M., Sheinin V.B., Koifman O.I., Zahn D.R., Strekal N.D. Influence of the pH and polyelectrolytes on the spectral-kinetic properties of the AIS/ZnS semiconductor quantum dots in water solutions. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(6):926-935. (In Russ.)

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