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Features of visibility zone formation by active-pulse vision systems at short distances


The features of formation of the range-energy profile of the visibility zone of active-pulse vision systems (AIS) at delay distances comparable to the length of the visibility zone are studied numerically and experimentally. The case of illumination pulse durations shorter than registration durations is considered. During calculations, the shape of the illumination pulse was set either close to the real one or rectangular, and the time sensitivity profile of the photodetector was chosen rectangular. The calculation results for the real pulse profile are compared with the data for the rectangular profile. Numerical studies for a real pulse show that, in contrast to the case of a rectangular pulse, the position of the maximum on the signal-distance dependence does not coincide with the delay distance. This difference decreases when the ratio of the delay distance to the spatial length of the illumination pulse increases. The results of calculations are in good agreement with the measured dependence of the recorded signal value on the distance.

About the Authors

B. F. Kuntsevich
SSPA “Optics, Optoelectronics, and Laser Technology”
Minsk, 220072.

V. P. Kabashnikov
SSPA “Optics, Optoelectronics, and Laser Technology”
Minsk, 220072.


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For citations:

Kuntsevich B.F., Kabashnikov V.P. Features of visibility zone formation by active-pulse vision systems at short distances. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(6):984-989. (In Russ.)

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