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Interrelation between colorimetric and spectral parameters of the white led lamps


The interrelation between colorimetric (correlated color temperature) and spectral (intensity ratios of spectral emission bands) parameters of the white LED lamps for general lighting has been established based on the analysis of the test results of a set of lamps during aging. Using deconvolution of the lamp radiation spectra, it is shown that the change in color temperature is mainly due to a change in the intensity ratio of the 450 nm band origination from the diode heterostructure and the long-wavelength component of the non-elementary yellow band of the phosphor radiation with a maximum of 580 nm, while the shorter-wavelength component with a maximum of 530 nm manifests itself mainly in changing the total luminous flux. A possible cause of the change in the intensity of the spectral components of the non-elementary radiation band of the phosphor may be both thermal effects and structural changes in the phosphor material.

About the Authors

A. L. Gurskii
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Minsk, 220013.

N. V. Mashedo
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; JSC BELLIS Testing and Certification of Home Appliances and Industrial Products

Minsk, 220013; Minsk, 220029.


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For citations:

Gurskii A.L., Mashedo N.V. Interrelation between colorimetric and spectral parameters of the white led lamps. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(6):997-1004. (In Russ.)

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