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Energy levels, wavelengths, probabilities, and oscillator strengths of transition for Ge-like Pd, Ag, and Cd ions


High-accuracy calculations of energy levels, wavelengths, probabilities, and oscillator strengths of transition of resonance lines for Ge-like Pd, Ag, and Cd ions have been performed. For the accurate treatment of relativity, the contributions of Breit interactions and quantum electrodynamics correction were considered. The calculated values of energy levels and wavelengths, including core-valence corrections, are found to be in excellent agreement with other theoretical and experimental values for Ge-like Pd, Ag, and Cd ions. The number of energy levels and wavelengths we considered is larger than that of any other theoretical calculations. The transition probabilities are also given where no other theoretical results and experimental values are available.

About the Authors

M. Wu
Department of General Education, Anhui Xinhua University
Hefei Anhui 230088.

Zh. He
Shanghai EBIT Laboratory, Institute of Modern Physics; Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Ion-beam Application (MOE) at Fudan University
Shanghai 200433.

F. Hu
School of Mathematic and Physical Science at Xuzhou University of Technology
Xuzhou 221111, Jiangsu.


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For citations:

Wu M., He Zh., Hu F. Energy levels, wavelengths, probabilities, and oscillator strengths of transition for Ge-like Pd, Ag, and Cd ions. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(6):1018(1)-1018(8).

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