Calculation of the Density Distribution of Electronic States in the Valence Band from the Experimental Spectrum of Interband Absorption of Amorphous Semiconductors
For amorphous carbon there are compared the results of the experiment and calculation of the density of electronic states from the analytical form of the interband absorption spectrum. From the analytical form of the interband absorption spectrum the proportionality coefficient and the energy width of the mobility gap were also determined as adjustable parameters. For the interband absorption spectrum, described by the Davis-Mott approximation method according to the Kubo-Greenwood formula, for the parabolic allowed bands, a new expression is obtained that determines the density of electronic states in the valence band of amorphous semiconductors. Using this formula and the value of the interband absorption spectrum obtained from the experiment for amorphous carbon, the possibility of determining the density of electronic states in the valence band is shown.
About the Authors
R. G. IkramovUzbekistan
Namangan, 160115.
M. A. Nuriddinova
Namangan, 160115.
K. A. Muminov
Namangan, 160115.
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Ikramov R.G., Nuriddinova M.A., Muminov K.A. Calculation of the Density Distribution of Electronic States in the Valence Band from the Experimental Spectrum of Interband Absorption of Amorphous Semiconductors. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(3):378-382. (In Russ.)